Heatshielding by Locker

Locker Radiant Heat Shield cladding panels were specifically developed for the safety and protection of personnel and equipment against radiant heat from flares on Oil Rigs and FPSO’s. Since the product was introduced to the market place in 1976, on the Claymore platform in the Forties field, the applications have expanded into weather shielding and many onshore and even architectural applications, with continuous product improvements to give even higher levels of protection, coupled with reduced weight and increased strength.

Locker Radiant Heat Shield Cladding Panels are designed to be light in weight and rigidly structured, able to withstand the offshore environment and rough handling.

Locker Radiant Heat Shield Panels are passive in construction, and have no moving parts. Support services such as water, electricity, pipe work and monitoring devices etc. are unnecessary.

Click to download our PDF flyer about Locker heatshielding.

Shell Stones FPSO (Turritella) - USA, project completed using Ladder and Extra Span heat shields.

The table shows levels of radiant heat that can be produced from flaring, and their effects on the human body. Locker Heat Shields have been taken though extensive tests and have been found to reduce the levels of radiant heat by 80%.

Thermal Radiation
EffectThermal Radiation 150mm behind
rear face of the Heatshield
1.2 (380)Received from the sun at noon in summer.Double Skin: 0.25 (79)
Single Skin: 0.36 (114)
2 (634)Minimum to cause pain after 1 minute.Double Skin: 0.4 (127)
Single Skin: 0.6 (190)
Less than 5 (1585)Will cause pain in 15-20 seconds and injury after 30 seconds exposure.Double Skin: 1 (317)
Single Skin: 1 (317)
Greater than 6 (1902)Pain within approximately 10 seconds. Rapid escape only is possible.Double Skin: 1.2 (380)
Single Skin: 1.4 (438)
12.5 (3963)Significant chance of fatality for medium duration exposure. Thin steel with insulation on the side away from the fire may reach thermal stress level high enough to cause structural failure.Double Skin: 2.3 (729)
Single Skin: 3.75 (1189)
25 (7925)Likely fatality for extended exposure and significant chance of fatality for instantaneous exposure. Spontaneous ignition of wood after long exposure. Unprotected steel will reach thermal stress temperatures that can cause failure.Double Skin: 4 (1268)
Single Skin: 7.5 (2378)
35 (11095)Cellulosic material will pilot ignite within one minute's exposure. Significant chance of fatality for people exposed instantaneously.Double Skin: 6 (1902)
Single Skin: 10.5 (3329)

HSE - Methods of approximation and determination of human vulnerability for offshore major accident hazard assessment
Table 14: Thermal radiation exposure effects

On-site Survey

On-site surveys using up to date heat flux and wind speed measuring equipment can be provided if required. This ensures that the correct product is specified and any potential problems are avoided.

On completion of the site survey, a full report with detailed recommendations from Locker will be submitted.

In addition to Site Surveys and Consultancy, Locker also offer on-site installation supervision by qualified engineers.

See our Heatshielding range below

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