Heatshielding Technical Information

Designed to meet the hostile environment encountered offshore and manufactured entirely from Stainless Steel grade 316L conforming to EN 10088-3:1.4404, the Heatshield's performance is proven and all data has been verified by Independent UKAS Approved Laboratory Test Houses.
The two basic designs of Heatshields are the Ladder type shield and the Extra Span shield. The Ladder type comprises a double skin media attached to either side of a ladder rung double tubular frame. The Extra Span comprises a single skin media attached to a singular tubular frame. The woven Radiant media (flame side) is common to both with the Ladder having a personnel woven media (non-flame side), the purpose of which is to eliminate the possibility of personnel physically contacting the elevated temperature of the radiant protection media (flame side).
The use of heavy duty woven wire mesh or perforated plate as the protection media against radiant heat allows free movement of air. This prevents hazardous gas accumulation and enables natural light to penetrate the work areas, ensuring personnel have visual contact with their external surroundings at all times.
Woven wire mesh or perforated plate does not contain inbuilt mechanical flaws or stresses, as does expanded metal mesh, and is offshore proven able to withstand continuous thermal cycling and repeated wind buffeting without failure.
A third derivative of the Ladder shield is the Load Bearing Flare Tip Access Floor designed specifically to protect the Flare Tower primary structural steelwork from elevated temperatures generated during burning off of waste hydrocarbons.
The integrated, removable load bearing grid floor is designed to accept the Flare Tip weight without detriment to the shields Radiant protection capabilities.
- Manufactured from Stainless Steel conforming to Grade 316L. All metallic fastener components are to Grade A4.
- The tubular framework is manufactured in mill finish descaled. Weld discoloration is removed by pickling and passivating then washed and dried.
- Where Material Certificates form part of a Data Dossier they will be 'traceable to cast' with respect to Radiant media and tubular frame materials and 'wet stamped' as a true authorized copy. Test certificates will support all other materials.
FPSO Capixaba, Brazil, project completed using ladder heat shields. Panel manufacturing tolerance is ± 3mm and size availability is any combination generally within the bounds of 3.66M X 1.83M although larger sizes can be considered and designed on request. Penetrations, notches and non-rectangular shapes are readily accommodated.
- Weld application is by the Metal Inert Gas (MIG) process. Welding wire employed conforms to EN 12072. Welding operatives are approved to BS EN 287: Part 1 2004. against procedures approved to BS EN ISO 15614 PART 1: 2004.
- Configuration of Heatshield panel and selection of materials has enabled the shields weight to be reduced. This has resulted in a 'Ladder' weight of 23/25 kg/m² and a 'Mini' lighter weight of 12/13 kg/m² inclusive of all fasteners and insulation materials.
- Simple to install the Heatshield panel requires no 'special tools'. Supply will also include all fasteners and all necessary insulation materials.
- Heatshield panels will be identified by labels bearing details as per customer's instructions and in accordance with GA drawing.